Saturday, July 5, 2014

Funny Things from Around the World

More oddities I found in my travels.

 Four languages are spoken in Basel, Switzerland, so a lot of their signs are just pictures. I assume this means walking dogs is okay, but if it is why do you need a sign? And who thought putting a picture of a dog would make people understand? Why not a green circle as in 'Dog okay'? The red circle seems to imply 'No Dog.' But then maybe if they meant 'No Dog' it would be a dog with a line through it...the problems of countries with multiple languages...

Southern-style food in Malta. It was actually pretty good. Not that I ate there...

Outside a centuries' old cathedral was a giant Smurf.

Somehow needs to bring out a BBQ and see what happens.

 Tex-Mex in Malta. Why...

This piece of art in Lausanne is meant to symbolize lost limbs from land mines. Inadvertently, a lot of tourists try to jump up and touch the chair. Watching them is somewhere between painful, abominable and hilarious at the same time.

Some signs I found at a construction site in Toronto. I know, I am immature.

 Somehow I imagine that these signs get stolen a lot.

A sign I found in Basel, Switzerland. I forget why I thought it was funny, but interesting all the same.

In case of emergency become Thor. Or a a Communist. Spotted on 'The Canadian' train.

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